Why should every citizen be involved in efforts to achieve world peace?

gong perdamaian dunia
Illustration: World Peace Gong. Get this image on: Flickr | Creator: Yes, I'm in East Bali

Why should every citizen be involved in efforts to achieve world peace? Every citizen must be involved in efforts to realize world peace because peace is a fundamental human right. Everyone has the right to live in a peaceful and safe environment.

World peace is also important for sustainable development. War and conflict can hinder economic, social and cultural development.

Here are some reasons why every citizen should be involved in efforts to achieve world peace:

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Oppressed Rohingya Muslims (Doc. Google)

Peace is a human right

Everyone has the right to live in a peaceful and safe environment. War and conflict can threaten human life, freedom and dignity.

Peace is essential for sustainable development

War and conflict can hinder economic, social and cultural development. Peace creates an environment conducive to sustainable development.

Peace is a shared responsibility

No single country can achieve world peace alone. Peace requires joint efforts from all citizens of the world.

Everyone can play a role in bringing about peace

Everyone can play a role in bringing about peace, even if only in small ways. For example, by being tolerant and respectful of each other, we can help create a more peaceful environment.

United Nations Peacekeeping Mission Australian Embassy Jakarta
Illustration: Australia and Indonesia on a World Peace mission. Get this image on: Flickr | Creator: Australian Embassy Jakarta

Here are several things that every citizen can do to achieve world peace:

  1. Increase understanding of the importance of peace : By understanding the importance of peace, we will be more motivated to get involved in efforts to make it happen.
  2. Develop an attitude of tolerance and mutual respect : Tolerance and mutual respect are the keys to creating a peaceful environment.
  3. Participate in activities that promote peace : There are many activities we can do to promote peace, such as volunteer activities, peace campaign activities, and intercultural dialogue activities.

By engaging in efforts to achieve world peace, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

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