Why is water a renewable natural resource?

Tetesan Air
Illustration: Water is a resource that humans really need. Get this image on: rawpixel.com

Why is water a renewable natural resource? Water is a renewable natural resource because water has a continuous cycle . The water cycle is also called the hydrological cycle . The hydrological cycle is the process of movement of water from the earth to the atmosphere and back to the earth.

hydrologie cycle by pitemprit
Illustration: Overview of the Hydrological Water Cycle. Get this image on: DeviantArt. Creator: pitemprit

The water cycle process is as follows:

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  1. Evaporation is the process of evaporating water from the earth’s surface. Evaporated water will rise into the atmosphere.
  2. Condensation is the process of condensing water vapor in the atmosphere. Condensing water vapor will form clouds.
  3. Precipitation is the process of water falling from the atmosphere to the earth. Water can fall in the form of rain, snow, hail, or fog.
  4. Infiltration is the process of water entering the soil. The infiltrated water will become groundwater.
  5. Runoff is the process of water flow on the earth’s surface. Water that flows across the earth’s surface will lead to rivers, lakes or the sea.

This water cycle occurs continuously, so water is always available on earth. Therefore, water is a renewable natural resource.

Even though water is a renewable natural resource, the availability of water on earth is not evenly distributed. There are areas that have abundant water sources, and there are areas that have limited water sources. Apart from that, water can also be polluted by human activities. Therefore, it is important to preserve water so that it remains available for future generations.

Here are several ways to conserve water:

  • Save water usage
  • Maintain cleanliness of water sources
  • Prevent water pollution
  • Manage water sustainably

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